Conservation Projects

MadDog TU April Planting!

Join MadDog TU for a day of planting to protect the Dog River and its riparian banks.

April 22, 23, and 25 … We’re back at Rogers Farm to help protect the Dog!

But this year, the planting has gotten bigger and MadDog has partnered with Vermont Land Trust, Keurig, and others on this important project.

MadDog is hosting the planting on Saturday April 23 from 9 to 4, so we need a big turnout from members that day, but please join us for as much time as you can give and whenever you have the time on any day.

All Times: Planting is from 9 to noon and 12:30 to 4 on Friday April 22; from 9 to 4 on Saturday April 23; and from 9 to noon on Monday April 25.

Rogers Farm is on Rowell Hill Road near Rte 12 in Berlin.
Come for all or even just part of the planting.
If you have them, we can always use extra shovels, wire cutters, pliers, hammers and/or buckets for water.

Help MadDog protect the Dog River
with a day of planting!

MDTU Project Dog River 11/15

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